Gun Safety

Firearms are a powerful tool and should always be treated with the utmost respect whether they are a historical artifact in a collection or a modern firearm used for hunting, target shooting, personal defense, etc. Every show from the Old Town Temecula Gunfighters employs the use of real (and occasionally a rubber prop) firearms that are authentic to those used in the Old West which is why every show also includes a gun safety demonstration. We have partnered with law enforcement agencies over many years and along with them wish to promote safe and responsible gun ownership to ensure our audiences know safe handling rules for firearms for the safety of themselves and those around them so they can continue to come back and enjoy our shows year after year.

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Basic Safety Rules

Treat every gun as if it’s loaded.

ALWAYS keep firearms pointed in a safe direction and never point a gun at anything you don’t want to kill or destroy.

Keep your FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER until you’re ready to shoot. You are the #1 safety mechanism for every firearm.

Learn how to check and safely operate any firearm you touch and only use ammunition approved for your specific gun. If you need more training, contact your local gun store or shooting range and take lessons.

Always lock and store your firearms safely. Never allow children to access a firearm without adult supervision.

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Teach your kids

The firearms we use are real and are loaded with blank ammunition (a cartridge loaded with black power and a wadding but no projectile) and can still be lethal at close range which is why we follow strict safety protocols during and after our shows and demonstrate to the audience what these guns can do. For many children this may be their first experience seeing a firearm outside of a TV show or video game and we hope this will instill a respect in them for firearms, to know that they are not toys and should never be handled without responsible adult supervision.

Check out great informational videos about the types of firearms used in our performances on our YouTube Channel and come see a live show to witness a live gun safety demonstration .