Our Team

  • Dynamite Dick Clifton

    (1865-1895) Dan Clifton, aka Dynamite Dick, was an outlaw who robbed banks and cracked safes with the Doolin Gang in the 1890s. It is believed that Dynamite was killed in a shootout with U.S. Marshalls while hiding out in an Oklahoma Farmhouse in 1896 although some believe the man killed was not him.

  • Wyatt Earp

    (1848-1929) Wyatt Earp and his brothers were among the most legendary of lawmen in the old west. He was best known for the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral and the Vendetta Ride to avenge the murder of his brother. Later, Wyatt would become an advisor in the early days of Hollywood for films about the Old West.

  • Doc Holliday

    (1851-1887) Dr. John Henry Holliday became one of the most legendary figures of the Old West after a fatal diagnosis of tuberculosis forced him to leave a promising dental practice in his childhood home in Georgia and move out west to drier climates. He was an avid gambler and involved in multiple gunfights. The close friend an ally of the Earps eventually succumbed to his illness in a sanitorium in Colorado and died at the young age of 36.

  • Miss Lilly

    (Fictional) Miss Lilly is a tribute to the high fashion of the old west and Victorian Eras. Don’t let her polished demeanor fool you though, she is a shrewd business woman and is skilled with a gun. She always keeps a hidey gun tucked in her reticule in case she runs into any unexpected trouble.

  • Deadeye Dragoon

    (1851-?) Deadeye, also known as Mysterious Dave Mather, was indeed a man of mystery. He moved out west at the age of 16 with his brother after their parents died. He was a buffalo hunter, cattle rustler and con artist who eventually joined the Dodge City Gang before becoming a lawman himself. After shooting his business partner in the Opera House Saloon in Dodge City in the back, Mather disappeared and the rest of his life is a mystery, some believe he is also the man known as Deadeye Dragoon.

  • Shy-Anne


    (Fictional) Bio to be added by Deadeye Dragoon

  • Maverick


    (Fictional) Bio to be added at a later date.

  • Whistling Jack

    Whistling Jack

    (Fictional) I was born in 1858 and raised someplace in Kansas ya never heard of. Pa was a horse thief and strung up and Ma died of somethin I never heard of, so I was on my own by 14. I found my way to Battle Mountain NV. working for the Central Pacific RR blasting tunnels for the train. That’s how I got the name Whistlin Jack cuz whistling calmed my nerves while settin them charges. Anyway, heard a man could get rich prospecting for gold in California. Well, that didn’t happen and now I’m wanted for horse thiefin in three counties and hidin here in Temecula, mingling with the locals, cuz here, everyone looks like a horse thief…yep.

  • Kat Ballou

    Kat Ballou

    (Fictional) Bio to be added at a later date.

  • Johnny Tyler

    Johnny Tyler

    (184?-18??) John E. Tyler moved from Texas out west. He was a known gambler and faro dealer. Tyler had multiple altercations with the Earps and Doc Holliday during his time in Tombstone, many of which were documented in the Tombstone Epitaph.

  • Virgil Earp

    Virgil Earp

    (1843-1905) The eldest of the famous Earp brothers, Virgil spent most of his career as a lawman throughout the West. According to an article in the Oregornian published after his death in 1905, “Virgil Earp was known as one of the most daring and adventurous of Western pioneers and he was known from North to South on the Pacific Coast as one of the great-hearted men who helped to build the West.”

  • Emmaleann Westwood

    Emmaleann Westwood

    (Fictional) Bio to be added at a later date.

  • Dirty Dan Winthrop

    Dirty Dan Winthrop

    (Fictional) Captain Daniel Winthrop escaped murder charges after playing the wrong hand in the wrong card game, by hiding in the US Cavalry and wound up finding himself gun trafficking in Bleeding Kansas. Following his "heroics" during the Harper's Ferry Massacre, Winthrop fought in many bloody battles. A man-killer, he racked up all new charges throughout the ravaged south. His infamous luck suggests he cheats death, and his reputation is even worse at the card tables and with his former Commanding General's daughter, earning him the nickname "Dirty Dan," which is very unwise to call him to his face.

  • Logan Farraday

    Logan Farraday

    (Fictional) Logan Faraday first saw action in the War Between the States, during which time moved up the ranks to Captain of his Infantry company. Proficient in military drill, protocol and tactics, he was hired by the Pinkerton Agency to bring in some prominent outlaws. Restless, he sought his fortune in the gold fields of California. Down on his luck he turned to poker and ultimately bounty hunting. He’s snaked his way through the likes of Silver City, Deadwood, Tombstone and lastly, Temecula. Don’t be deceived by the smile, he is quick with his whit and even quicker with his 6 guns!

  • Birdseye Bert Westin

    Birdseye Bert Westin

    (Fictional) From Michigan, Bert ventures west working for Western Union on the telegraph. His athleticism keeps him atop the new poles where he receives the nickname Birdseye. Out alone, Westin is injured when thrown from his horse. Discovered by a party of local Sioux, Bert was given aid rather than harmed. During his life he showed a reverence for the Indian culture and wears their gift of an eagle feather in his hat as a symbol of their friendship. Birdseye’s allegiances could be mixed and uncertain to his associates. He was a good friend but not a man to be crossed.

  • Miss Josie

    (Fictional) Josie Bassett and her sister Ann were taught to ride, rope and shoot on a sprawling Wyoming ranch at a young age. Their father supplied beef and horses to the territorial crooks. The early exposure to these desperados cultivated the wild side in the sisters who became the perfect accomplices to the band of outlaws. An attractive woman, Josie was married 5 times with the rumor she poisoned the 5th. Josie bootlegged whiskey, was arrested and tried for butchering and selling stolen cattle and, after losing most of her land, lived frugally into her eighties while boasting all the while of her outlaw affiliation to all that would listen.

In Memorium

  • Smokey Williamson

    Smokey Williamson


  • Elmo "Doc" Delgallo

    Elmo "Doc" Delgallo

    Founding Member

  • Trinity West

    Trinity West


  • Eli Barnett

    Eli Barnett


  • Ben Sippy

    Ben Sippy
